1970s Streaking is Making a Comeback!

By | August 9, 2023

Everything old is new again. Remember that mid-1970s fad known as “streaking?” When it began in the spring of 1974, I was 9 years old. So of course, I found streaking to be hilariously funny. I bought the 45 of Ray Stevens “The Streak” and literally wore it out from playing it to death.

Apparently, streaking is making a comeback. KXLG radio in Watertown, South Dakota reports that an 18-year-old Pierre man has been arrested and charged with public indecency after being seen running around town with no clothes on. Police told him to stop but the young man ignored their commands. He was then pursued and arrested. Additional charges were tacked on for obstruction and resisting arrest.

Aw, come on, Pierre. Where’s your sense of humor? He ain’t crude. He ain’t lewd. He’s just in the mood to run in the nude!